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I’m Yours – Song-4Down: Jason Mrazのラブソングの歌詞と意味


Hi Dusty! Glad you reached out! Do you have a link to the specific setting? Some rings are easier to size up than down, and vice versa. I generally recommend waiting to buy the wedding band with your partner, so that you can get yours at that time as well. It all depends on your schedule for getting engaged and then married, however. Also, she might prefer a different wedding band other than the exact match. You never know!Let us know if you can shoot an link to the style you are considering! You can also email it directly to danielle@littlebirdtoldyou.comwith care, Danielle

Hi Sophia!Yes, that might be a good idea but it depends on a few other things... do you currently wear another ring along side yours? Like a wedding band? The increased width will make the ring feel 1/4 size tighter. So something to consider if you're going to eventually wear a band. The other option is that add sizing beads, which is worth considering if your ring is fragile to resize. Do you have a local jeweler who can help you with this?Hope this is helpful :)Danielle

I’m Yours – Song-4Down

I wanted to know what kind of Ukulele do you have? Looks like a custom made ukulele. Could you please email me the website to check out were you had yours made? Whats the name of the maker or designer of your ukulele? Thank you.

Most experts would agree that it's far better to tow a car with a tow truck or pickup/trailer combo than with another car, but not everyone has access to that sort of heavy equipment. Perhaps you are in a remote location where it's tough to get help, or your AAA membership has lapsed and you simply can't afford a tow truck. Sometimes you just have to improvise, and you may ask yourself: Can I tow a car with my car?

Next, we'll discuss the different methods of towing a car with another car. No matter what towing method you choose, you'll need a tow hitch on the tow vehicle. The tow hitch is attached to the chassis. Many trucks and SUVs come equipped from the factory with a tow hitch, but most passenger cars do not. Tow hitches are easy to install, however. You can do it yourself, but we recommend having a professional do the work for the best results.

When your Sim first moves into their house, the Scenario deliberately sets the household funds to zero. That's right, you don't even get any money to pay the bills! Because of this, it is recommended that you choose a lot that's already furnished and that's small to start off with to save yourself the pain of buying furniture and paying more than you have to. But regardless, your Sim needs to get to work straight away.

Rr4W 4WI1I TIlE SUN SUN1AY OCTOBERS 1004 LOISEAUYlINS WINS APIRE A FINE RACE RACEi RACES RAGEAtEsf 1I2A AtEs I iE8 S PROSPECT pnospcr111TH aAXDI aAXDIWITH B tND iCAPt WITH 1111 133 J32POUNDS i3 POUNDS UP UPUdom VPAi UPIIifIIi Ai i Odom Drive the Con l From Fm Away Uaek Uaekr Vokttnd uac uacnnd1 nnd ld Oeata Beat Cbr Chr1ftIs rtl > itlls Noso NOIIDal ouDaInIy ouDaInIyr Dalni DalniCainurcar r j 1 i i 1 Trims Uluclter BlucheFlvC fJIucherFIve Five Favorltw l iose ioset ioseNlLy si siNenrlyf t I1 Nenrly 10000 0 persons pernl saw IIW come me brllllnn brllllnnruclng brJllt brJlltraclnrnt brIU1tntyaclnrruclng raclnrnt at Jravesend yesterday yesteray afternoon afternoonTh attrnoon attrnoonThfv afternoonThivTh Thfv Thiv iv iww the Wratero colt clt Olsoau OII0u win 1ln tb tbTroepoot the tbeJrpo theoepoctTroepoot Jrpo oepoct Handicap Inndlcap for twoyearolds atabou ataboutk atnbouthV clx tk h furlongs fUllonls In II phRnoinenal phloolenl style Uie tle th victor victorlielngbyfar victorYII belnaby lielngbyfar being by far the themolt most popular event of th thday the thej thedayj day da Oiftcnu Oeeau picked picke up the te crushing cuehlnl Itn Itnpost 1mJost Imff post Jost of 1S2 18 is pounds founds and with wih Ueorge ore Odon Odonup Odomup dom domFF k up was a made tlie tt favorite faoletbouab though tu tuo tie tieOld tue tueoddswenLbaokfrometoto3tOlo Old oddswenLbaokfrometoto3tOl oddswenLbaokfrometoto3tOll l gavo avo twelve pounds pundl to Woodsaw oo8w the te bes bescolt bet betclt beet beetcoltcolt clt In InBdney Sydney Pntefa Pa Pat eta atnble ItaMe eleven pound poundto pund pundtoI to John JobnSanfords Bnnforda Burnt numt Hills I Is Illtwo Ilen pound poundto pund pundtok to James R Keenea Keons iA Mint twenty twentyeight twentyliM twentYqq eight to E R Thomass Thomls Voloday olaay sixteen slxteeito llt sixteend n ntd t to Pierre Piere lorlllRrdB l ilarl rbrysitls brl1ll and BO 1 01 01down on ondom onxx down to the Mllltown Mitwn Stables Bank ankwbo who wa wato was wasfir 1fir to l wo ttoflpt receipt lpt of tlilrtj tblrtenn thIrt3eeen seven Burnt Kills KillsWpbdsaw HII littleyy I Wpbdsaw Wodllw Voodsaw Volnday olnda Wild Ud Mint and nd Think Bnnlwere Bnnkwere Thinkpp were were all al well wtU playexl 1Iare to beat the crack crac Oinn Oinncolt Ola Olaclt O1n21JJ colt clt but blt ChrysitU thrells who ho ran ra second Icnd wa waneilected was a aII 4 nellecte nei neilected lected at U I to I tAt IAt III P At the start Olseau Oilell did not get away an antoo any anyt anIftIft too t wel we and was W nut to let Ilt on thC thl > far turn turncomplctlr tur turnrr rmpletlr complctlr shut Ihut In Chrysltls hrYlltl meanwhile meanwhlliHills menwhie menwhie1a meanwhilewae1a wae raclnl racing out In frnt front with Woodsaw Blmt BlmtO Burnt Burntii O Hills JI8 and ld Austin Austn Allen Alen following folowlnl In a bunch bunchWhen bunchWhen bunchEE When Chrysltls Cbrllts turned ture Into tho stretch Itret h Oloeat Oloeatwas OINAU OINAUl Ofreaucc l was Wl8 still 8tl In lneuch each a predicament prlcament that nobody nobodjbelloed nobodyI y ybelooI belloed beloo that he had a ghcet IhGst of a I chance chanc ti tiwin to towIn towinwin Odom dom moved move up Uf near nefr the tie rail rli In i isudden a aludden aii sudden attempt atempt to come me through throulh but wee waishut Wi WiIhut weeIiIi shut Ihut off or Benin Then he took tok the game Iame colt colto olt oltto coltfifi to the outside and Id put him under a tcrrlfli tcrrlfliwhipping terilo terilowhlpplni terriflowhIpplnLwhipping whlpplni Chrysltis hrllls had drawn clear o othe of ofthe ofrr the others otber and was WIS sailing lalng down to the wire wlrtapparently wireapprenty wireapparentiapparently apprenty the winner when hen tho cry e went wtnt up upHere upUrrp up11reHere comes the favorite favorlrt favorlrtWith tnxorltrtWith t tWithWith trementlouB tremendoul speed Olseau Oilea u bore bor dowiupon down downupon downii upon uponthe the Lorlllnrd Lrlhrd filly 11 Odom whipping whlpplnl will willall wih wihal withtt all al his hil might and main OXrlll ONrlloked looked btcl btcland bck bickII and quickly want w nt to t the whip too to bu buChryslth but butCry butt0t Chryslth Cry tl wsll ni fjgtd fgid out xvt II wie nt equs equsto equal fHtU1t equalII r to t Uieemrc3ncy te the fm entrg3ncy rlmc and In a finish fnlsb thathrough thathroughu that hrougbt hrougbttt u 1 routine ru hl cheer from ron fan tll spsctiUrt lP ct Ihr Olssai Olssaiwon 011 Oisatii nu nuwoab couplo of Inches In 111 38 38Burnt 5 5ki won the race roe by a 01110 Inchelin 11 31k Burnt Hills His who wi WI ws Suvay wjr poorly and ha hato had hadt hadI the so eotee ties 111 e but he was waspronounced WoS WoSprnoulCd weII pronounced prnoulCd perfectly perfect sound und by his trainer tralneibt trainerIt trainerljtbt It r ron ronJohn on onJohn onJohnJohn Sinfords Snfordl Ciushniwigi CUhnw111 11 I to tofavorlt i ifavorite 5 5ii favorite favorlt an on a dUtr tistrsingly > Mln lnlly ly poor oor rice uc In th thOrlrntit the theOrllnt11 theOrientilOrlrntit Orllnt11 Handicap 11ndlrp for all nllles au ages at lt a mite mlo and andaa quarter QU rtr He le picked up UI 127 patmJ p3lnJt hid hidnothing hidi hdnothingi nothing of hh hl usual usl spoed s fed ied and an finished nnlthed abio abiolutly ab aboliitiy o olltrIlutly lltrI last Dainty Dolntlnd Ibint and Proper the te Jennings Jenningsentry Jcnnlnll Jcnnlnllentry JenningsI Jenningsentryentry ruted rl d a hot siconJ e on cholcj colCJ at IS to towith S Swith GwitI with wit with Gunfire Ounlr n bicked dawn tj t 4 to t I August AugustBelinonts AUlutt AUluttt August3eimontsVale also a1e will willsupported w wiflsupportedt Belinonts Blmonts Lord Lrd of tho was ailo 1f supported spported at sevens O Jlnt alnty > nude all al oftS oftSrunning oute outet oftLeII running rnnlnl with Lord of the Vale ale second ecnd and andProper andPper andcc t Proper Pper third This order orcr was wa never changed changedrtftfr changednt changedCC rtftfr nt th tl It 5t t irt although alhoulh It Itwol was wa a I thrilling thrillingflnlili tbrllni thrillingflniihflnlili Wlllln Wil DivU D I extended pJ311ded Dainty Dlnt to t th thlast the thelat thelastIllthlast lat ounce and she won by b half a lentt lenttwith len Ienthwith th thwltIrwith Lord of tie to Vale aIe a length before beore Proper ProperAladaDale ProperAIIaDe ProperCC AladaDale wltIr AIIaDe on 00 ons of the tl outsiders was 1 fourth fourthn four fournt Gunfire when whenIn whenIn wheninn length lenlth and ands a half hal hack OunlrIn a prominent position pOllton on the far turn was waialmost wal walo10oSt wasii almost o10oSt knocked to t her knees Hlldebranc Hlldebrancpulling Ildbrand IldbrandPUl1111 to a fall The Th time tlmtwas timewaspulling PUl111 her up t escape eSCJfe 1 fdl tme tmewaswas 308 O 15 15The 1 1The4 The steeplechase al of view leww8 iew was simply a farce A ton tn of mone monewas money moneywal moneywageredwas wal wagered on Hoyelle Hoele even een money favorite favoriteand fa favoriteand vorle vorleandwauerewhenthe Cbamblet gelding fell felat fellatand was wa lost 10lt wlenthe Chmblet Kldlnl felat the pnddool jump Jlmp second secnd time around aroundSpencer aroundSp aroundSpencerSpencer Sp ncer Kelt tumbling tumlln ovrr him a I secant secantlater lecond lecondlalr second secondlaterlater lalr Lavator 11ator who ho went up to S to t I thre threhis tew tewo threw threwhishis rider at the first t jump on backstretch thehackstretchbut the hckstr backstretchbut tcb tcbbutwo but butw was remounted remountd only anI to finish lnllh a quarter quarteiof Quarlerofof a mile behind the te winner Candllngthind Candllngt Cndlnla Cndlnlabind Candlingshindhind imle legs landeJ In the water 1ater and Ind that made madihim mlde mldehIm madehimhim hIm atop but he managed to flnlsh fnish third thirdTbe thirdTbe thirdTbeTbe successful euceful ItP horse was ee The Ragged Cava Cavaller Caa CaaUer CaveII Uer 4 to 1 who draw drCw away awa after atr the fin finjump thial thialJumpjump Jlmp and and beat betG Gacar car a to t I by y three the lengths lengthIn lengthsinL In 4M 4 45 28 28After 21 25II After causing causlni a delay at the post pst by b unruly unruljbehavior unrulybehalor unrulyII behavior Old England Encland who closed coled equa equafavorite equal equalfavorlte equalfavorItefavorite favorlte with 1th Counterpoise Coun rphe at 19 1 to t 6 was waiallowed wastallowed to get away running runnlnl to t a poor pr atari atariin startIn tartInt in the te we first frt race rAe at about six Ilx furlongs turlonl T TvC Ti TCi vC C McDowells loDoels Geranium Glranlum backed backe down t tZlS to toj toA > r baSIs I 18B 7B i iOUhntUnd II iiOltiigInd51fliCItmTTtnS l 11 501 0l 19 19yionas 1 ICzz yionas ionaa 100 lt2deaay W lensy ooi 11 30114 30114Poor 211 201 II IIrImerIme me 11 11124 11124PoorPoor stan wan on drtvinf c10r ijving Oeranlumtir Omolum Urrantum br f I b baitarore by byLIErrrlan1tI LIErrrlan1t LazuroreJr1IIIrd aitarore Por 11 JrllUrd 111 o ooe 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nccx flace511 Six furlopjrs trI furtniyeDed Dod D Anteraon Arrtln r rcond 10 10Shaven t0 104 104ShavenISvcnJ Shaven SI 1 S 1 to I wn won The Fl Fig 17 lii ISIII Spit n Illn Illnnd It I 5 5secondsecond cond nd sir sirTime tr lIar al I 10 IS S Trxler 9 1 2 Ihr thIrd thIrdlimeTime me ti tiPNhr t1 117 21 35 Kerllp Ilerttre Snawv nruI UI op TvAIr Trovat re reratherrather PNhr 1 1sen TMIeII Lly Lely nellr flellelr Ine sop fahl fahlSe MsyibaIsen Se ReiulmK TAlet Sunny Sy Share S3r Frank M 5 aad ad Mara MaraAchlin ur MaraschlinAchlin n also at ran ranSecond rln ranSecnnd111 Second 5 d Rare RaPve flareFive Five furl trnlTe furlnTha nn The Dell Dle 10 10U 100 100ItIt U II l to I Mnd Black Art 10 100 Selmtel esmster1 6 50 10 I Ihtr Ithirdthird htr Time Orc 104 10 Mlw Iu Jrrrtan Jrra Kale Kile 911 lit tt Ixm IxmDlxn lMrd lMrdPlzn rDlxn Truffle Tr1re Hunter Ilter and 0 Id n ramel larnel amel 11 sln lv ThIrd Tir Rare Rare4te One mile le and a a flxteenth lxlelh the thiCalumet theCalumet theCalumetCalumet llan lruIapAh one won n Reservation nCeraln nflpAh 113 12 Vtndert tdCr Iidevi 12 to I 8 emnd emndBranca tnd tndrlnca eendtrancestrances rlnca 10J tl INI Nln 1 I Ii 7 to 2 third thll Tlrre lre 182 2 2S 2SPnrt 21e 25PrtPnrt Riyal a P PsII sill Hen n rhunte rhrboygai Pr PrStephens PrStepheisStephens e h Tribes lhll hut Hill Olorlwa J and 5 SUgltrat SUgltratalvi lt iJaghtretesb I ralvi sb 1 ran ranFnurth rannuMh ranIourthFnurth Race nl1 flare1 fix furbnjr furlnriNannle Nanrte tdgr dgr Iftj IftjS liiif11 f S tannonl eve 1 w wn nr 1 W OVtlll Oct 87 1 1f S SNtr SNIrt1Ntr NIrt1 n S tn 1 roond Triumvir 67 Ihnvrt IhnvrtHfthf 40 ti 1 St thIrd Tnr l dl 115 ll 25 Aaen de Ida DttVb DttVbandan and r T5yflflfl mnn al slen r rnlhRee isn isnFifth aD aDanFifth Rare RaieOiie One mile anl a I qiirter falakor falakornn nlhRee OVAts mAI WAtell 7 to 11 5 wm 1 Rrla SenIle S rllla M Venn el B I f I to > t te totnd Iecndotnd e ecnd nd F fiiu u troodI nodi M 5 Jhn Jhin m IB 1 ti I 8 I i tIrt tIrtTime > lr1 lr1Time I Ile1 nTime le 315 U The Te VHV AV Oltaian Olafln Royal Pirate PirateH Plrle PlrleI PIratefflnnH fflnn rtin sd nd 1ln Cl Clese S e ecr I Sixth Uh nar nuc l Ix frJ fprngIV rlne 87 Shaven Shavento S elC to 5 w Klr nf M f the Vslley SCUC 101 15rii t ti I Isennlsennl 5 afanc Ire Vnte t 7 I 2 shlrd 9re117 3s 2 si ve evlr ve Idogo and ad Chamblee Chable also alo ran ranLAWN r rLAJfN ranLAWNLAWN TENNIS TENNISMetropolitan 7ENNl 7ENNllelrollan TENNIMetrovMetropolitan Metrov lelrollan litan I earie laC Perles ffrN rnds rdWet rdWetSide rndaWest rndaWestSide Wei WeiSideSide T C Defeats Crweents CrweentsThe CymeentsThe fetl fetlTheThe final fnllsmeln gaines In the MetropolItan Metrlpoltn T TAvl TAvlIwn Leetsije LeetsijeLtwn P Ptrtwntrtwn Iwn Tennis sftrl srIet lrl on 0 the eotrti of the Wet Ide Tennis Club Club118th ClubIllth Club115thOlr118th Illth street Itret and Amsterdam Am terdlm avenue aVlnue th thhome the thehome thehomehome club cub meeting metnl a team from tho Ore Orewnt Crent Creacentcent nt Athletic Atblto Club The pony pon t tnm team am sen senup lent lentup sent sentupup by br the Creicant Cre1clnt Athletic Athleto Club Cub wa was ea el easily easilydetested ll lldefeated lr lrdeCeltddefeated deCeltd the Went Wl ect t Mders f taking 11Ini all al three thrematohet threematcb threematoheomatohet matcb within the lo Ion Ing Inl was 1as Important Imprtant as a It settled lotted the question queatloiof Queaton Queatonofof second seond place the th winners moving movlnl up t tthU to toth tothot nf f 3 to t I In favor 6f 6fthe efthe C Cthethe sit Blacks Bllkl I Wail pt and Miller Mier scoring lcrml for them themiinH thm thmaiinH blmpson for the Reds Redstt a The blmpon play pla ws WAI wee tll fa fBtn fasta t REA REATe second Te haft The Te Blacks did n great rnt dealfcf dealfcfclever doallC doallClever deallq deallqcleverclever rndbal passing aln Wall scored cd three tr goals goalsafter Ioils Ioilsaftr goalsalterafter some me lively work In the scrimmages scrimmagesH IcrlmmelH 1 aftr K Kpnedy nnedy Ivll the Blanks Dk third thi defence drftnC and andParkinson andPakln andPikinsn1 KnnEyParkinson their thei inside 1lde home scoring lcrll one goal goaleach goaleaobeach Pakln eaoh For the Reds Red Parsons Pal and ad Stoba Stobaeach Stobaeac Stobaeacheach sCOred one oneAnother onoAaoter oneAnothereac acrAnother Aaoter nrhtcr nptrFall flghterFails Falls to Quell quel the tbeJ non a Man ManBefore ManBeforeBefore the thl Manhattan fanhltan A C on Friday night nlgbiLarry nllht nllhtLry nightLarryLarry Lry Temple colored Clore of fair reputation reputton ai aia uaa scrapper Icrapper attempted attmp to autdue luLdue Joe Oilm Oilmthe Ollmle OIimthethe le Iron Man In a six Ix round bout bout But BuiGiim ButOllm ButOpimGiim took tk his hs usual UIUa quota quota of punishment punishmentand punihment punihmentand punishmentandand was up and dcing at s the end of the nU nUji nmad nUladad red1 ready Wil ji for rore more u infattOilmtookmor infattOilmtookmorent In fut filiaL tk took more morecf moreufad cf uf a Uoklnl ltokIn than In some 07 his uunt recent ent flstl flstlengarnmentu fltc fltcInlalmfnu dsticengrsmentengarnmentu and tho negro seemed to L Lvery Ln to toveryInlalmfnu very n tired athe at the final bell nelo In leeme this mill Grim Grimdid Orlmdid UitntdiiiUree te nnl midid considerable cnlderaUe fighting Ilhtni bel blnuelf bIOef JtiM JI t when whenthing whentbla whenthingsthing appeared d il lous lou he b would woud come comeTemple cme cmeIack comelacklack with Ut eppare ouple couple of bard nrd walol waUops end ud cause causeTemple causeTempleTemple to cover ver up t ttwice Orlm tl took te the rount rounttwice count counttwicetwice In the fifth going down each eh time from fromaa rUht cross te frh on the 10lnl Jaw But h be tme regained regainedhU regainedlitahU hi rqbt fe feat t cl hurriedly bunlel ever willingto wUnl willing t to mix It up upThe upTheThe final round rund was II tryinr tylnl for Otlm Temple Templeofnalo t hit hI opponents eye eye with a a left let bookand bookandhad book bookandhad and andhadhad the oPpMnt1 Iron Irn Mans Man f s jUiagecovered Sisage uat cvro covered with withblood wlb wlbIln withblootiblood But Dlt Joe stuck It out as though thouib he herellihtd bhrelisbidIln rellihtd rlh the gruelling1 auUp auUpf gruellipgLfL YcafOI YcafOIColtCae te Oeo1earOld Oeo1earOldColtColt of the Ue Year toy b Many any u Experts ExperiKing Expet ExpertsJLlngKing JnsVlo Cole tulna 11 for SmalhersTrainer Smalhers sathen sathenTrlDelumml SmatheresTreinerIlummiugTrainer TrlDelumml TreinerIlummiug Hummlne Dlrda Ir Hrdu Die DSloft DSloftTht flu Front FrontThat ProfitTbThat Tht Tb t Is the te best bt twoyearold twoeld In train trainIng tain tainInl trainingIng Inl was the tbeoment thecornrdent comment of a loading aledlnatalner aledlnatalnerwhen trains trainswhen trainerwhenwhen Otaeau Oleu wonv wontbePOpc won the Prospect Handlca Handlcayesterday Iandlcp IandlcpYOlrda flandicapYesterdayyesterday YOlrda I believe belee that tht he heon can beat bt Bysonb Bysonbatoven Br8nby Br8nbyat Bysonbyatatoven at Oen oven weights wehbl andIn ardl and in his hi preeent preeitCorm form formthink I Ithlk Ithinkthink thlk be could make mk It I decidedly decdoly Interestlnfor Interesting Iteretna IteretnaCor Interestingforfor the champion filly rl1 Tndlton Tradition We W Ve hav havnot bve bvenot have havenotnot aeerui seM twoyear twoyeroldwln twoyearoldwin > oldwln such a race racunder racundereuch raceunder raceundersuch unde undesuchsuch adverse adver and trying tlnl clreumstances elcltne L Lmany I in inmanymany mn years yearsDown ren renDow yeereDownDown Dow In I the paddock addockwhrOlu where Olaeau cooled cooletout cooledout leout under und the watchful eye of his bl trainer trainerCarroll tainer tainerCarrU trainerCarroUCarroll CarrU B Reid a Urge lrae crowd cowd gathered gatheredI Iatbee gatheredLaboringI laboring lbrlnl under the Impression Impreion that tht tbi tb Ornucolt Ornu Ornuscolt rnucolt lt had hd gone aonelme gonelame lame They hid seen en him hlmcole hlmcolebc com comback caine cainebackback bc nodding nodlnl to t the scales lele and they the wer werfearful wtro wtroflarfulleat were weretearfulfearful flarfulleat lest his hlnODI raong days d were at an end endBut endDutTalner endButBut DutTalner Trainer Held Reidaftera Idatera after a careful creul examination examinationfound exminton exmintonCound examinationfoundfound that tht the colt col was 11 sound aa 8 a gold ald eagle eagleAlready ealle ealleAlredJ eagieAlreadyAlready AlredJ several level of the big bll turfmen are cast castIng calt casttogtog Inalonl tanning eyes ee at this thll remarkable markableyounetr youngster youngsterUU 1 la I said Ild that his blowP owner J 0 Greener Oren ha haalready hl has hasalreadyalready alrfdy refused refue UOOOO ao for him and ad for or thai thaimatter tbt tbtmate thatmattermatter mate has hl decided deldenot not to part pr with wlb biro biroat blmat himatat any an price He believes bellt that tht be will wl be a aphenomenal a aphenomenalphenomenal phenomenl threeyearold thrf Yfaold and nd he will wi enter enterUrn ente enterIUrn I im In all 11 the big bll specials Iperll for horses bone of that thatage tht thtace thatageage Trainer Reid Reldbld bad made mde arrangements arrangementsto arDlementto ship Ihlp Olseau Oleu to totbe the West Wet along alonl with tbe tbehorses tbehoroC thehorseshorses horoC of the Waldebk stable atble this thl week but butthe buttbe butthethe colts ltl remarkable remrkable performance ptrformance yesterday yesterdaycaused yetedy yetedycUle yesterdaycausedcaused cUle him to change cbre bis hi mind mid and Olseau Olseauwill Olei Olsesuwillwill wi fill several evr engagements at Morris Mor Park Parkamong Prk Prkamonl Parkamongamong amonl them the Nursery Handicap HndlCp the theRancho theRncho theRanchoRancho Rncho del Paso Pat Stakes 8tke the Champagne ChampagneStakes Cmpune Cmpune8tlke ChampagnefitekesStakes 8tlke and the White Plains Plha Handicap HandicapOrnui landlcp landlcpOrnu HandicapOrnusOrnui the sire Ile of Olseiu 01e3u was wa purchased purchasedas pUched pUchedaas a a yearling 1carlnl In England Enalnd by R W Walden Waldenfor Waldenfor alden aldenCorfor A H I and D H Morris Morril He won some somegood lomeaood somegoodgood races r In the scarle scarleIUk scar1saUke stlks here hee but finally finallydeteriorated fnly fnlydeterlonte flnellydeteriorateddeteriorated deterlonte so 10 that tht he was W running Mnnll In 200 200selling 2 200sellingselling lelnl races race at Alexander Alexnde Island Illand just JUlt before beforehU beforehi beforehishU hi career cre on the turf tur came cme to an al end Mr MrGreener 1r 1rOrCner MrGreenerGreener OrCner bought him hm for a song lon hut now nowbelieves nowbelee nowbelievesbelieves belee that tht he has hi a valuable vluable stallion stallionS staUon staUonEE E Smathers was WI not at the track trako so that thatbe thabe thatbebe was wal unable to t receive reeive a shook Ihok when King KingCols Klnl KingColeCole defeated Bluober In the fifth Ubrace race Mr MrSmothers MrSmatherl SirSmatheraSmothers Smatherl purchased purcbaed King Kile Cola Cle at the sale saleof Ile Ileof saleofof the Whitney horses horle lost lat spring IPrlnl for a round roundsum roundlum roundslimsum lum but the Hamburg lamburl colt never showed showedIndications Ihowe ehowedindicationsIndications Indlclton of winning wlnnlnl quality In the thI brown brownvllks brownlks brownsilkssilks lks When he was offered for sale before beforethe beforethe beforethe18 orerethe races rae yesterday yetrdar he was 18 knocked knocke down to toJ t toJJ Gardner for 11100 110 1100 It afterward aferwad turned turnedout turne turnedoutout Olt that the real buyer was w Frank Taylor Taylorwho Taylorwbo Taylorwhowho has ha been training talnlnl Mr Smatherse Smatherls horses horsesall horM horMal horsesallall al the year King Klnl Cole Cleran Coleran ran In Taylors al l name nameand nameand nameandand colors clora and won a smashing mlhlnl race showing showinga Ihowln Ihowlnaa dhtlnct form reversal reverlal that made the wise wisemen wisemen le lemenmen pinch themselves tbemselvt to t see le If they were werereally wererely werereallyreally rely alive ahe Whether Taylor bet on the thscolt thecol thecoltcolt col or not Is a matter mattlfor matterfor for conjecture oonecture but tbe tbefact tbefact thefactfact remains that somebody lomebod profited prott well welb1 welb1the by bythe bythethe victory at odds oddl of 1SU tl > t tSceptical tSc 1ScepticalSceptical Sc say IAY that Big BI TIm Sullivans SuUnnl Old England Englandwent Enclandwent Englandwentwent to t the post Plt for the first tlt race under the theInfluence theInfuence theinfluenceInfluence Infuence of some strong tronl stimulant Tbe old oldfellow oldflow oldfellowfellow flow was full ttl of fire tre and at the barrier barrilr he hedid hedid hediddid all alloru sorts of stunt etnl So B unruly was wa be h that thatone tbatone thatoneone of Mr Jr Catsldys CUeld1lls assistants tntl flnallygraboed flnallygraboedhim fnalYnabbhim by the thl head and literally ltraly dragged drano him himto himto himtoto the tape Archie Zlmmer tbe trainer of ofthe oCthe ofthethe Sullivan Buln stable tabe explained eplained the behavior behaviorof bphnvlor bphnvloratof the Goldfinch Goldnno gelding In this thll manner mannerI mlnntr mlnntrHIHI I thought thOIiht It might mllht Improve matters mat r If IfCrlmmlns I ifCrimnlns I IClmTln Crlmmlns wore wor spurs When ben Old England Englandfelt Enliand EnliandCflt Englandfeltfelt Cflt them cutting cttnl Into his hil ribs he ht did not notlike notlke notlikelike lke It and tried trlt to kick everything fVtr1thlli within withinreach withinrech withinreachreach rech I found out when It waa wai too late that thatspurs thatpura thatspursspurs bad always ahra been the bane of his hl1 ex existence exItenc exiatence istence Itenc Green Morris Ioril who once onc owned ownedhim owE ownedhimhim told m mO me that the old fellow Cel ow had been beentried ben bentrie beentriedtried trie with wih spurs IpUI several yearn prl ago am 10 nnd that thatbe tht thtle thathebe le developed developd a murderous murdroul streak Spurs Spurswill Spur 6purswitwill wi nt bi b uiai cello 110 you can betl betlUp betlUp bedTIPUp to yesterday morning mornlnl The e Humming HummingBird H flummingBird ummlnlBird was mOwluner 35000 winner on the Gravesend Gravesendmeeting Orave Oravesejidmeeting d dmeetnlmeeting meetnl He laid againstthe aalnt the favorites Cavorte all allthe al althe allthethe the afternoon aftroon and won another n he big bl bank bankroll bankran bankrollroll several severl well el known kno players Ilayel who bo have haveconfined hlve hlvecnane haveconLlnedconfined cnane their operations opratonl to t the regular regularmembers rtiarmlmber regularmembersmembers mlmber of the Mets have blve turned tume to t Th ThBird The TheBird e eBirdBird because they say 8r sa theycanwcur tht1caneclr much muchbetter mucbb muchbetterbetter b ter prices prlc Cal Cl Tyler did a rough and andtumble andumble andtumbletumble business bu ln yesterday the crowd on onseveral onVra onseveralseveral Vra occasions O SIOM fairly falrl mobbing him h1 In Inwid a awild awildwild wid effort e or to t secure seure the luring prices pricesThe prCM prCMThe pricesTheThe entire Whitney Whiney breeding bretdln establish establishment estbllh estbllhment establishmeat ment has bi been bee finally Inaly transferred trlneferld from La LaBelle L LaBelleBelle Dfle fitufl FtuS In Kentucky to t Brookdale Brookdae over ove In InNew InNew inNewNew Jersey Jerly John Miller Mier has ha been betn making makingnumerous maklntnumerous makingnumerousnumerous trips trPI between betwtn thetwo places placl until untilhe unt untilhehe has bl brought East Elt IDS 11 horses hoT In all aL Includ Including Incud IncudIna includlag lag Ina eight tllht stallions stallou eightyfour tllhlytour brood br mares maresfiftyfour m maresfiftyfourfiftyfour ntfour yearlings 3erlnp and fortyseven Cortyeve wean weanlings Wlln WllnInp weanlinge lings lingsThomas Inp InpThol lingeThomasThomas Thol Williams Wllal president prsident ef the the Call Callforcla Cl4 Cl4fOrla Callforoiaforcla fOrla Jockey Club arrived arlnd here hff yesterday yesterdayfor yesterdayfore lterdfor Cora a stay Itay of two t o weeks wtk He says sayahe he expects cxpectathe expea expeathf expectsthethe thf winter campaign mpali on the Coast Clt will wl be bemore b bemoremore successful Ilccful this tbll year than ever evr before beforePurse beforePlf beforePursesPurse Plf for overnight oVPnliht events event will wi range from CromtO1103 tO to 11000 10 and entries entrie to stakes ltke will 111 close closeon clOIItion closeonon Oct 34 The season 1ItII on will open at Oakland Oaklandonon Nov 12 12Walter 12Walter 12WalterWalter Jennings will ship Dainty Dalnt to the theroast theroallt theroastroast tomorrow but Proper Irop arid Shot Gun Gunwill Gunwill Gunwillwill winter in the East In the care of John JohnHynes JohnHmell JohnHyneeHynes HynesAfter HmellACtfT HyneeAfterAfter the Prospect Handicap p had been beenrun beenMln beenrunrun Pierre LorllUrd owner of Chrysltls Chrysltlshunted ChOiltlshunted Chrysitlahuntedhunted up the trainer Fred Burlew In the thepaddock thepaddock thepaddockpaddock and Bald BaldONeill MidO saidONeillONeill O ell1l1lmph simply threw the race away He Hedid Hedid liediddid not wake up in time It was a very poor poorrider poorrldel poorridelrider riderIrldelI I cannot agree with you replied Burlew Burlewfor BurlewCor BurlewfOrfor I think ONeill did the filly full Justice JusticeShe JUlltice8he JusticeSheShe was all all out at the end and could not nothave nothae nothaTehave done better betterThere betterThere betterThereThere Wall a mixup at the post pOltln in the Orien Oriental Ortental Orlentel tal Handicap for which Starter Cssuldy was wasnot waanot wasnotnot to blame although the crowd was ready readytoto censure him Proper suddenly broke and andunseated andunllfatcd andunseatcdunseated Odom Some 8omroof of the boys bo thought thoughtItIt was a go and Caughnawaga Lord of the theVale tbeVale theValeVale Gunfire and AlanaDalo mad a rush rushat Mlebat rushatat the barrier In order ord to topre prevent ent a tangle tangleMr taneleMr tangleMrMr Cassldy Call1lld let the gate time using lnlf his hi red flag tla This brought broulMIenal a asignal asigMisignal to tbe eager e aer jockeys to stop from the theman them themman m m n who stood In the middle of the track trapkwith traQIwith trackwithwith the recall flag to be used In Just such suchemergencies luchemerlfencles suchemergenciesemergencies As a result the four horses horseswere horeeawere horseswerewere quickly pulled up and a good ood start startwas etartWall startwaswas effected a few moments lain lainPrevious lat latPrevious laterPreviousPrevious winners of the Oriental Handicap Handicapwere andloapwerewere Ferona Eorus twice Duaboyne DuaboyneKingston DunbomKlnllston DunboynKingstonKingston English I lady ady Pactolua P c Ius Lamp Lamplighter LamplIehter Lamplighter lighter Ramapo Clifford CII ord Dutch Du h Skater SkaterHavoc SkaterHavoc 8katerhavocHavoc Algol Imp Charentus Gold Heels lleelaCol HeelsCol heelsColCol Bill and Charles Elwood Tbe record recordfor recordfor recordforfor the race U IAS 20 5S mad madehr by Oold Heels Heelswith Heelswnh fleetswithwith 111 pounds poundsThe poundaThe poundsTheThe Prospect Handicap was 11 run for th thfirst thtlrst the thefirstfirst time tlmeln In 1U7 the winner being beln Geraldine OeraldloeFaverdole OeraldlnFaTerdale GeraldineFaveidaleFaverdole colt Rsclare Russell RUM ell TorkaIU TorkaIUBelle TorUilleDelle YorkiUeBelleBelle Prince George Prig Counter Tenor TenorBen TenorBen TsnorBenBen Brush The Friar Hamburg Manuel ManuelWaring ManuelWarlnr ManuIWaringWaring Bean Gallant Pentecost Pe tecost Astarita Astaritaand Altarttaand Jiteijtsandand Sweet Oretchen OretchenDuring OretobenDurlna OretcbenDuringDuring the afternoon nI rlootl W C Daly bought boughtthe bou boughtthe the threeyearold colt Proceeds from 8 B BBrown BBrown 6BrownBrown for 11500 l500and and the cplt carried c rrl d Father FatherBills FatherBII1s FathrBIiieBills colon In I the last race rae withIndifferent withIndifferentsuccess wlthlndUCerntIUOOOII wlthind1erenisuccesssuccess IUOOOIIJoe successJoe successJoeJoe Veager Yealerbaoked backed Dainty and Properall Properallover Proper aU aUonr alloverover the ring to win th the Oriental It was w said saidtfjat laidt saidthatthat t at he cleaned up 124000 on tb the result resultLanrford reaullLaDlford resultLangfordLanrford and Holly HIIIIFJrbt FIght a Draw DrawBaltimore at atBaltimore atflalttmoreBaltimore BaltimoreThere BaltimoreThere flalttmoreThereThere was plenty of action in tbe fifteen fifteenround IUteenround fifteenroundround bout between Dave Holly of Phila Philadelphia Pbll Pblldelphlaand PMisdelphla delphia delphlaand and Sam Langtord of orBOI ofBoaton Boston n at Balti Baltimore Baltlmore Baltimore more on Friday night nllrbtBotn Both are negro negroand nenOR nenORand negroandand litter rivals Although Althoughthe tb result of th thcontest the tbeoonteet thecontestcontest was a draw the tl e mill was exciting excitingfrom exelUnlftrom excitingfromfrom start to finish The decision waa not notaltogether notaltOiether notaltogetheraltogether satisfactory to tbe crowd who whoappeared wboIPpeared whoappearedappeared to think that Langford Lanctordhouldhae Lanctordhouldhaerecclved should have havereceived havereceIvedreceived the verdict He Iletook took little JltlJopunJt JltlJopunJtment punish punishment punishmeatment and landed three effective e eotfn blow to one onefor oneCor oneforfor his hi opponent Holly HoU was waatln8l8or waatln8l8orbut tbaggressor tbaggressorkept the aggressor aggressorbutbut Lanlrtord was too quick on hi hIs feet am amkept nCl nClkpptkept alwaya out of bis antagonists reach reachAfter reacbUter reachAfterAfter eight rounds Holly began beganto to get ge the theworst thelllOl1t theworstworst of It Langford landing on th the head and andtac endfacetac faceNEW NBwi liVRDLtN frnDi 1nEJOiJ 1nEJOiJi RECORD RECORDIL nIo RD RDfliIL fli I i mU intloian U RUtt RW440 44O Yards flrdiinU arditl In InSecond l leoona 4 4HeoondSecond eoona at t New YorK A C C06me C06meThoevIIY Game Gamethe GunsThossveutyIiirdthe ThoevIIY ThossveutyIiird seventythird U1Ird games l nt08 of tho New NewYork NewYorkA Yor YorA ork orkAA C were w e held h dC yesterday 7 nt Trovers Tr ora Island IslandThe 1I1I1ndTheweather IslandTheThe Theweather weather was wUlIne fine but the wind besides besidesmaking besidesmakingmaking life 1It miserable for fortho tho spectators spectatorsruined Ipeotatorarul spectatorsruinediheruined rul ruinedihe edtbe the best betfo features turea of ottb the competition competitionThe competltlonlTbeThe only ones nea to benefit b by > the theburrlcnl hurricane hurricanewere hurricailowere o oerewere ere the sprinters Inthe 120yard nO i d handlesand handicap handicapandand the polo p lo vauKers vaulterathough though In neither cast castwere cSlefere caseivewere the performances recorded r bf a pbenom pbenomeriiil pbenome phenomenale eriiil ri1 nature A crowd of or about 8000 wai waipresent walpreaent wseprosentpresent presentThe preaentThest prosentTheThe Thest star r event of ottb the theday day t T was the 440yort 440yorthurdle 440yardhurdle 4oardhurdlehurdle race In which new ne worlds recorc recorcfigure record recordnllrea recordfiguresfigure were won established elltabllahedThere There were w re onlYtwo starters H L L Htllman and andoV W E FInleyboth bothoC of the New York YorkA A C At the flash pi pithe oC oCUle ofthethe gun Hlllman shot 110 away and took the thehurdles tliehurdlOl thehurdleshurdles like a deer Ahundred A yard fromthe start be wa wu leading tile otiier man bytwenty yards 1ardsand and moving In suberb shapeOn the baokstretcb baok tre b Hlllman balked at two twcof twooC twoofof the obstacles and loose who anticipated anticipateda aotlcl ated atedaa new record groaned In disappointmentBut Bu th the runner kept on and dug into the theclndera tilecInders thecinderscInders with runner might and main On the nome homestretch nomestretob nomestretch stretch he was sea III aJloutbutneyplougjiod II out outbut but neplourhocJ on tothe tape and Finished In the oifidal time of64 38 seconds Though tbe wind helped helpedHlllmanon helpedttillmanon helpedttiilmanonHlllmanon the backstretch It blew in his bisOf blfaoeat faoeat tIe finish and for more than 100 00 yards yardenIn n the eult earlypart part of the run more than coun counter rbalanclnlrlthe balancing the adant4I1 The old record recordwae recordwaswas 1111 t6 seconds by Harry Arnold oC theUnion Settlement A 0 who 11 now a profes profeeslontislonti slontiOf IonIonOC Of the bandleape on the card the tooyard tooyardwaswas tho best and resulted In a brilliant win winNew winCrom winfromCrom from IICfII scratch 1 for George Underwood of theNew York A C Tbe time announced was waall minute mlnu 13 s 36 seconds secondsandoonsldering and considering that thatunderwoodunderwood had to work his hi way through a abig atlR abigbig field the performance ferfofmance was quite qul as good goodas ItoodIIIas the present worlds record reoordor of i minute mlnu 11 11Two 11lecond IIsecondsseconds made by Tommy Burke several IIneralearll severalyearsyears earll ago alloT agoTwoTwo T of the Held events eventatbe the high jump and andammarhammerbrouiht ammar brought out a couple of high class classerformers claasperformers Ias Iasercormersperformers Sam Jones won the former event eventfrom eventrom eventfromfrom rom scratch with 8feet e feet 3 Inches In th thhammer the thlammer thehammerhammer ammer throwing John Flanagan won with withthe wltbthe withthethe fine throw of lea feet ti Inch In the ob obstacle oblltacle ohsteele steele race A P C Newton and W R Lee lost lostfirst 10lltftrst lostfirstfirst and second places by being t elnll disqualified disqualified4M dlf1ualllledWhen diaqualifledWhenWhen ecramhllnlr through the net they crept creptout creptoutout at the aide instead or at the end440 Yard Hurdle 1I0rdleWoa VToa by Harry 1 1M HUlman HUlmanNew HfllnianNewNew York A A C j W V E FlnlwNew York A 0 0eoond Cascend teams teamsot kamaofof five each boy to run onefilth of 0 a mile mllcWoo mllcWootlJ mIleWonby Won Wonbyby Hlch School of Commerce with John Connolly ConnollyK Connoll ConnollKYir r rGetatlJ K We McAlpln AI llgl llgloll pla T oll Allen oZW Nt N FhflrUhtnter h and andGets R ROcuGets Erasmus Han HIgh Irb School ltool second with withJJ 1 Vale T Malony Ialon O Kqpke 9 Hutchlnra and andW aodW andwW Smith MorTIs lllfb School third Time mc mcmlnukllD 3 3minutes 3minutesminutes mlnukllD ta I 1IIlICond IA seconds secondsi lIe Relay for Clubs and an Oollrcea oonrccon Won by byNerr b bNe byNevNerr Ne York orl A O with J T Miller Grorte eorge rce Uniler Unilerwo UniterWooIwo 11001 Vest Site A 0 C second 1ItC with H Jairet W 5 H Hn f fflsaonn 00 I minute 111 IC8 48 XS Broom Broom8OO acmeion reon reonMJOion Yard RnTiiH RuHlcapWon ntlcap Woa by F RVorner RVornerfreal ft Warner WarnerrtreetreWfreal rtreetreW rew r ole YorvJrt h A A0yarcl A OrrdaC Oisnttu C J 1 Ferten FertenFranVltn FerdeDFraoolll FerdenPran1tiFranVltn A O t IA y yards rd rd8 second I14ron F S Kerr New NewWMT Newr Newi7eWMT i7e 1 r 0v f1 ii iifcnYurdfcnYurd Rin H lsndIespWon ndlfap ndg Von br bG Gor or orIN IN Under Underwood Underwood d dNrw wood XntYork NrS fork JL 1 C scratch C J 7 A Vlllrr 3d 3dNrw 3deNrw e Vonk crk A 0 18 irds rd second f II 5 5New tdlc tdlcNrNew Nr York > iC24 C24 yards ards third Time me 1 minute minuteThrowlnr I18 or 55 scecods scecodsThynwin rron rronTltrolnThrowlnr 1 j5Pfliflid > Pound Hamper JImT bv John Flofarar Ft1 Ortatfr yew Nt York Irish A A Airatrh AIrh Ascratchscratch Irh with tlh thrOw of ir ItO fret U f Inch J a aMIlrtiM SVUbrl 5YItehlMIlrtiM yewYorfe OW Ymk A CJO ten second with tlh an anrt an1llbrOW ansepalsepal rt 1llbrOW t throw of ftll lit fret 4t 4 43 for IncIte rch 11 the W 1C Tonnfllr TonnfllrNrwNew 10 York nTIt A C 71 fret f l third with lIh an actual throw throwofof 11 I 172 fret rct II rA4 U Inches tnehrtPttlnt lehllSPltl InchesPettIngPettIng Pltl l tpn1ld PnHd Shot Ilindleap nlidlcapWoD Won by byHi 1 1fl Y YnoHi fl M VCorrrllv V Co1lrlb New York YOIItA ykAC A C CL e feet with withSn wit witCII lIh lIhet1CII actual not of 01l1li M fret t lncbr Loci Louis Manr Man anr Mo Mok MohawkSn hawk k A t C C fret rrrond rrondtlb with an n artral out of ofA81 feet IW Incb Inchea loll John J 7 tyan Tan t rMhclollC1r rMhclollC1rAA C II feet third with tltbsn an actual pUI of n feet feett feetItneheat Itnehea ItneheaRnnlp tnrhr tnrhrRtmnlni tnIIeRnlllRtmnlni Fl itlh fI h Jump H IflldlrapWon n rap Won hv v S S SJorn So SJotJorn Jot o New York ft C scratch with t1 a tump of ofA ofSr tnCj 8rf og ogAS rest 2 Inches r srJ John 1 flsn fl lsrtholorrew lsrtholorrewAA C 4 teethes I ltr Mtttiai wits tll an actual 11 tiirp of offrrt ofl oflfret 5 5feetfret 10 Inches 4 1 n Kralrowrr New e We Wen M Side tdeA A C ft inebM third with aa a actual Jump ump of t feet ftC7 Inches InrhrRvnrlnr IrhRnllnr InchesRnnlnr IRvnrlnr Pn Proad rn > d Jnnp J Panftriij P FsnfrspWoii Won bv b M MPrtnutrln MJr MPytneteinPrtnutrln Jr CrrolT Crest New 101 TewYoi York Irish A A rrratrh rrratrhrlth PITrbN PerstebWIthWIth K lumn mn of 2J frt tlt IlIf Inches J J T lah Mahoney MahonevNrw MahoneyNew ahN New YorV Vee A Of C t Inches e nrrnnd with Ph l w an > artnal1i artnal Maitnp i iI1i tnp p of 0121 Jl frn 4 IrhrT 1 > eel rl ovrhlln New Ie Welt WeatfM WtalItr WeltSlItr Sl fM A o I m Inches third with an actual jump of 0 0II1 II fst rrt 0 II Inrtrt Inrtrt5tandln In Inf1ndln 1neleeStandln5tandln Br Dread i1 Jumn JIIII Flr IfarlrapWon lrap Won by Par Parf R Rf Raerwrf Fwp r Krw N TorV Tn A r I irratrh with lIh a Inner 1 of OfIi11 feel rH S 21 ln Ineles trrond nd with en rtval t lump of A f fet et t1 1I1f Loris Man Mohawk A C scratch third wits wit a aJuip aJU ajoTTiJuip JU of to ret feetOstsel retO 11 11OAirlO OAirl t rl Har nWon Won by H C Ct1a da I Johclle lit > Pawnre PawnreO Pwn100 > O Harold R Wurrrn New lIr York A C Co second arroodTnr secondTin OIId OIIdl1r2Tnr l1r2 Tin J irlnrtrn 7 23 J 15 nrrnpds A L Nerton c11 and andW sodW lId lIdWW R Ir Ye ro moth h of the 10 Nece rw York ork A C C ftrlhrd ftrlhrdflr nrlhr4ftrst flrIhrdSistflr ftrst t and od second renpertlvelr bat were dliqnallfled dliqnallfledTHE dtaquallftedTHE disqusllfledTHETHE WALCOTTGANS TfALCOT7GA1SGOA1then WALCOTTGANSAlthough GO GOAlthonghAlthough A1then b tbe Verdict Was a Draw Many ManyTTionght Man ManThoolbt ManyThenghtTTionght the Baltlmorean Had Won WonThough WonThoulh WonThoughThough the 20round bout between Joe JoeQns Joe01nQns of Baltimore and Joe Waloott of ofBoston ofBOllton ofBostonBoston at San Francisco Francillcoon on Friday night nightwas nlehtwas nightwaswas called a draw there were many in the thecrowd theerod thecrowdcrowd who hothouqht thoueht that the lightweight llthtwelghtrhamplon IItrhtwellfhthamplon lightweightchampionchampion was entitled to tbe verdict After Afterthe Arterthe Afterthethe tenth round Cans succeeded In evading evadingWalcotts evadlnlrWaicottll evadingWalcottsWalcotts welltimed rushes rush es and forced Val Waicott Walcott Valcottcott to change his hi tactic The BarbadoM BarbadoMBlack BarbsdoeBlaCk arbadoesBlackaBlack was becoming mutually tired His Hisblows Illshlon hisItlowablows lacked power and he becam e wild wild0ins wildO wildLineO Line nll on the other hand wan an A cool as an anIceberg anIceberl anicebergIceberg He met Walcotts leads lead with clean cleanright deanTlllhtl cleanrighteandright righteand and lefts to the face and several lIever evcraltimes evcraltimesbed times timeshad timeshadhad his iii opponent dared Walcott was so somuddled 110muddled somuddledmuddled by the blowi that twice he u upfrlenced cxperienced x xperlencedperlenced difficulty In n finding his own corner cornerFrom comerFrom cornerFromFrom the eleventh to the sixteenth elxt tnthround tnthroundIt It was nip and tuck first one and then the theother thenther theotherother taking the lead The tide turned In InDinss In01OS1I inGinssDinss favor in the seventeenth In Infhls Infhlsround this thisround thisroundround particularly Danas extreme clover clovernew clllverneM clevernessnew asserted d Itself lie kept Waloott at atbiy atb atbayb bay with ea ease never losing an opportunity opportunitytoto send homo both hands handsThe handaThe handsTheThe nineteenth round almost saw Walcotts Walcottsend Walcottend Walcottsendend Cans tArted this round with a tre tremendous tremendolll trementions mendous smusb tID1JIabon on the jaw and soon had hadWatcott hadWalcott hadWalcottWalcott In distress The Baltimore negro negrooutfought nlrrooutroua negrooutfoughtoutroua outfought t his rival rtvaland and Walcott was wasunabto unable to toSx toscore800 score > m The be latter countml all rlitht but butanas butOanI1r butGapssOanI1r Sx anas glove ove was wa ever ready to ward off o any anypunches an1punchllI anyroundpunches punchesTheThe final round was a repetition of the pre preceding prfeedlnl preceding ceding one Line employed his hi right and andleft andICt andleftleft principally directing his h blows to the thebody tbebod thebodybod body Waloott came bade swiftly ewltu but Oins Oinsseemed Olnllsemed flnaseemedseemed to be very elusive either backing backingaway bacldnaaway backingawayaway or blocking blocklngtbe the knocks with com comparative comparatlv cornparadve parative es In Inthla this kind of fighting Gap OanswasMsllvWalenttsmasfr Oanl1IlIIlIlIv Gapwaseasilv1IlIIlIlIv wasMsllvWalenttsmasfr wasMsllvWalenttsmasfrKearl Welonttll Walonttemasir WalonttemasirNearl mJutr mJutrNearlNearl everybody In theclubhouse tile clubhoUlfl even eventhose ewn ewnthOle eventhosethose who had backed Walcott thought thouebttha thouebtthathe that thatthe thatthethe referee would w uld declare Cans Oanatbe the winner wlnoftbut winnerbutbut when wbenthe th the announcement ofa draw came cametbe cametbe camethetbe crowd gave vent to their dissatisfaction dissatisfactionbyby biasing biasingAfUrAfter the tE fight It developed that Waloott Waloottbad Walootthad Walcotthadhad hurt hi his right arm The accident aocldentoe aocldentoecurred oc ocMitred occured cured according to WMoott In th the fourth fourthround tourthround fourthrouudround Itwas at first thought that Waloott Waloottwas Waloottwa Waloottwaswas wa blnOlnr but bu an examination br b a pity phystclin pb pitystcitDstclin 11 convinced the sports that Waloott wa wareally was waareall wasracilyreally reall hurt Cans wa was much disappointed disappointedoverover th the outcome H Hit criticised the decision decisionand decisionand etllonandand thought thAt tJutthe he should hove won Then Thsnto Thento Tjentoto show bow thatufre inn we a DO III IIItlflIna fueling Pans Oanswalked OanAlkt Panswalkedwalked Alkt > d across acrosswith acrollitbe the rln and hook Mild Mildwlthhll haidswitithiswlthhll with bis rival Walcott u uwllllngn a manager stated his hll1I1IlInl1l hiswiilingnlwllllngn s I to glv gjve V8 Oan a return returninatoh match for11000 1000 a aide Id and placed the condition con titions at 141 litpounds 141pound 141poundspounds weigh In at the ringside ringsideJACK rinaaldeJAC ringsideJACJCJACK JAC OBRIEN OflflIRWPiST3 POSTS FORFEIT FORFEITAnd FOlf ll llADdAnd Incidentally Wants t to Know Kno W Who be b bWho Ie1fbo isThWho a at t Middle Weight WeightJack W tillite tilliteJaok lilIt lilItJackJack OBrien of of Philadelphia PhUadelph1awbo who 1 ia fight fighting dllhInr fightlug lug In th the beat beattorm form these days dajllwanta want to tosettle toetUe tosettlesettle the disputed dlsJlut question as to who bo U I at atthe atthe atthethe head of the middleweight dlrtiion dlrtiionOBrton dlIslon08r1n dirtionOBrienOBrton thinks If any an one he II entitled to tol totba tothethe honor and there are many who are read readto ready readytoto alfTeo errs with him OBI Ian II one on of the few fewpl1vIIIITho fewntipjiitapl1vIIIITho ntipjiita who I ii eerWlnl ever 1uing to med any abybodybody IJI and out of his o clue u Unlike Tomm TommIan tommy tommyItyponIan he does not select any particular OJ OJOnent op oprionent >Onent but II read ready 0 neat any one wbl wblbe wit witbebe rellarda aa wortby and who Ie a agoo agooproposition 1004 1004pp proposition pOflltlnn from a bo ames print oC view viewYeeterday viewYesterdayYesterday O OBniendeposited rltndpo lttd 1000 lo In tnl tnlelty dii diicitycity 1 sea a forfeit r ttady nd to fight sqy T tl tlpoundll Itsnounderpoundll In the world orld l for a purse an anet and a side IIldebetIn sidebetbetIn bet et In his hl defi he names Bob FltzMmmons FltzMmmonsTommy Fltulmmonlltomm FituimnionsTommyTommy tomm Ryan and Kid McCoy He adds addsthat addthat addsthatthat he wldinnet wUI InSet roet aliT I DnA ot the above trio trioand trtoand trioandand prefers that t latthll the men he hss bllnamed named corns cornsto comto cometoto some agreement st once onceThe onceThe onceTheThe public wants anti to know knnwwho who 1 is Is who whoat whoat whoatat middle weight said OBrien O Brllln J dont dontwant dontwant dontwantwant anything that doe not belong to m mtorag mButItRyn mi miButButItRyn But ifltyan I is Rolnllto putbl tlUellito title into cola colaItralfethllut cold coldstorageItralfethllut storage torag without giving Ithlnlranr any ona oneachance chance to totrlve toatrive tostrivestrive for It t I am tmlfolnlf going to lodge a kick Mr Mrecord Myleo Styrecordrecord rd entitles entl ea me to some consideration considerationf CIOnldtrationfRyanleo It fRyan f Ryan does not care toflrht to nht me let him himav himlAT himsaylAT av BO lIoalld and not beat eat atout the bush That Thattill Thatwill Thatwillwill till b bt stitnclent proof that l ha Is Is I afraid afrsldifter afraidAC arsidAfterAfter AC r that th at I will 111 I Ia leave av 1 him to th tbeJrnder tbeJrndermerdea the jender jenderlerde 3endermerciesmercies lerde of the in publicIapOMSOJJPATBDBROI ONSOL1DATBDBROKES GOLF mOLrL mOLrBOLDT GOLFHOLDHOLD BOLDT THEIR B EIBFB87IIANDICAP EIBFB87IIANDICAPONF01CniL FIRST OANDICAL OANDICALON UAwIc4 UAwIc402W LON ONF01CniL FOX HILLS ILL3 XWJC XWJCOctober IINK IINKiOatoblll LINK LINKOctoberCOctober Handicap uandlO8PlIIalebmODti at Richmond Couh Couhnd t10uhty t10uhtyandand nd Many ODD C tWEutera Eastern ParUwa ParUwaWins Park1WIns Putt PuttWinsWins From Marine and Field FleldVa FleldVat Fie2dVflt V Vftt ft ftBrunt t Brunt and Ilovenden Get Oe the Ut theiLru ttryn UrraCap UrraCapOne Cat CatOne CtipOneOne of tb the moat Interesting of the tbemonthlr tbemonthlrclub month monthclubclub event of otthe the season sou n has been the com comblned oomblned cornbinedblned medal and match m t lh play plan Intro Introduced Introdlleed introducedduced this year at the lUohnionds Count CountCountry CountCountry CountyCountryCountry Club the qualifying round roundfor for th thOctober the theOotobtr theOctoberOctober event being decided yesterday yesterdayEach re yesterdayEach terday terdayEiobEach month alnoe April on the first Saturday Saturdaythethe members have met In an eighteen > n bole holimedal bolemodal holemedalmedal play handicap the tbetour four leaden li lieach In Ineaob ineacheach class keeping on at handicap match matolplay matobplay matchplayplay for the trophy trophyAA different dl erent member baa presented a cup ouieaoh oupeaob cupeaoheaoh month and aa the winners have been beeiabout beenabout beenaboutabout equally divided between betweentbetwo the two claaaeithe claaaei c1U11estbe classesthethe competitions have been voted a success successUnder successUnder uo e aUnderUnder the old plait which la cUll till pursued ai aimost at atmcet atmostmost of the dubs ell Interest In the month monthly monthlrbandloap monthlyhandloap j jhandicaphandicap ended with th tha one day da of of mod modplay medal mediipla medalplayplay pla The Th donor of yesterday y lterdays cup was waiCharles waaCharlea wasuharlesCharles T F Stout StoutVincent 8toutVincent StoutVincentVincent Hockmeyer won the playoff larofr of tb tbitie tbUe tbtIetie of last week for the oup In the kickers kickershandicap klokenbandlcap kickershandicaphandicap Toe qualifying qUallfylnllsooree qUallfylnllsooreeClau scores scoresCUM scoresClassCUM AC A Bllgh M 1 B 182 2 G F Welton WeltonSI01 T64 T 1 M Tatmor St 7 784 4 L L I 11 Tbonas Tbonassa lboIiUse88 sa 0W O L L I Williams M 0MC oN O T Stout 90 90o DO14jOo 14jO o o D TalDior 1000 100IICII 100 acl 1 S C Ooldstorourh GoldatoroughVI07 frM 02 i F fi I DarUMe Davis 95 anT 602 WjT 1 W lalntor 1 N083 W v H olaforu iiotatord 101 oi ses DJi 11 HA4Lrolick100 44 55 W TLrned T Lerned 108 108a tOO tOOaaai 00clansaaai a O DT T O Patterson 101 It Uallj 1505 K De F Crtt CrttCarter Crtlill Cr11tenten 105 2055 H J Sbnleer b 104 less A L LWahterl lCt1Wahter ill I US II92 i J 0 I carok hI io 14i I1a P Ii IiCarterCarter HO t laga 7 T Ortppo lOG 14 tcoa M H GWoodruff G Ooodrufl 0S9odruf1Woodruff 117 II 23tt BOWklln n G 1tbcllo bucklln 11819100 11819100An lie 18100 18100AnunuauallnCldent 15100AnAn AnunuauallnCldent unusual Incident a match matchDn on a neutral neutralinks neutrallinks neutrallinkslinks to settle the rubber between them thembrought thembrouehtthe thembroughtbrought brouehtthe the teams of the Marine and Fleli Fleliand Field Fieldand Fieldandand Eastern Parkway Parkwayclubl clubs together at th thGarden the theOllrdeu theGardenGarden CltyUnka yesterday Jennings wh whbad who whobad whohadbad an advantage In knowing the course coursevery ooursevery courseveryvery well although none of the players wen wenutter wreutter wereutterutter strangers to It led the Eastern EILII rn Park Parkwar ParkwaS Parkwaywar team and rolled up H lead of 6 on Fuller FullerWith FullerWltb FullerWIthWith this to start with the Eastern ERI rn Park Parkout Parkway Parkwayway team had little dlmcult In winning wlnnlnlrout winningoutout by 15 l to 7 The score scoreEastern llcoreEaatem scoreEasternEastern Parkway Parnar1cnnlnr Jennings B Palmer 3 Rob Robbtns RobMill RobSbinsMill 2 Sherman i H Mathews 2 Taylor 0 0 Rosa 2 3Cooper 2CO 2CooperCooper CO perO 0 lb Dow DoWO 0 Dewey 0 Total 14 IIIMrino itMadne 14MarineMarine and Field Fie FleidFuller dFIUler Fuller 0 Seaver o 0 Duryea D11rreaOt o oKlmball 0RlmbelIKlmball 0 Spauldlns d 4 Diddle 0 mood 0 Deav Deavens neavA tleavenstt7lddleens t 3 Booth I Total + tt7 7 7A 7AA handicap against againetbogey bogey atthe at the Engle Englewood Engiswoodwood Golf club yesterday resulted In Enrle Enrlewood this thisorder Ibisorder billordfTorder B H Parsons PUlOna2 2 up D M Bulkley Bulk er2 down Dr F Oa Oltler tler 2 down H Weatherby WeatherbyS WeatherbydownS down B C Austin 4 down D IL R Brown Browndown4 down Dr D M Marvin 4 down H W WBanks WBankll WIjankiBanks 4 down downFF B Wheeler captured the handicap sweep eweepstakes SWItPIItkell sweepetskesstakes yesterday at the Ana APIwaml warn Is Club Clubwith Iubwith Clubwithwith the ytsterdar score of 0 00 489 The match play playresult playresulu playresultsresult were wereKemp wereIcmp wereIempKemp Cup Final lto1C C J 7 Albro beat S A Lawton Lawtonby LtoDbS Lawtonbyby S up ana j 210 to play playWalnwrtght plaTalnwl1rbt playWalnwrigbtCupWalnwrtght WalnwrigbtCup Cup SemifinalA senIltnalASptiaod Splland beat beaU J D DFoot DFoolb UFoolFoot Foolb by 3 up and 2 to 0 play W R Tburston beat beatHazen be1HAZeD beatMacenHAZeD Morse by I up ana 2 to play playChampionship playChmpionablll playChampionshipChampionship Semlinal Concluded ConcludedH H L LDowney LDowner LDowneyDowney beat beall J VV tr w MeBrtieby UoBI11e bra S up and 3 210 to play playFnrlewnods pIa pIaFnvle1lnnds playFnrtewnodsFnrlewnods team Journeyed to the Morris MorrisCounty MorrisCounty orrls orrlsountTCounty links IIn 1I yesterday and defeated the thehome thebome thehomehome players by 20 to i The lineup was wasEnglewood WilliEnrlclrrlOdUulTtI wasEnglewoodMurrIyEnglewood EnrlclrrlOdUulTtI Murray Olrphant Olhantdr Jr F M Wilson WilsonW Silsopw l180ft l180ftWW EF E F Moore WS W 5 Daylls Darns II U At I Britten 3 SIM SIMson blosson Slonsonson C H Slake and H V Keep KeepMonti K KG KeepMorrisMorris County CounlyP P H B Frellnghvysen I L D DA BGatretlonG Gatretlon emn W W Br U Vnicrpoal n I C F Watsoa g I James JamesA m mAA Tynr On Morgan Smith Josiah Maory and W VfPalmer WPslmer WPalmerPalmer Letchford LetchfordSrAvronp LetclifordSTAMTOSDSrAvronp Oct l tTbtl The Wee ee Burn Golf OolfClub OoteMIII1 GolfCltihClub after having the liveliest September In In1U InIt Inits1U career started off October this thl afternoon afternoonwith IlfttmoonwIth afternoonwithwith a defeat from the New Haven Country CountryClub CountryClub CountrYClubClub by the score of 16 to 2 The scores scoresWNew llcoreewere scoreswerewere wererc wererewWNew rc rew HavrnA vlllA S Whit J r B H Murnlen 0 flW 0r 0wW K Shepard J M A Pill l S F 7 L DUelow J JWE 3wlfI lfII i iTOw WE g Fly00II r Fly C h I Zimmerman z 2 ii B P Parraalee I t tTout ITotalTout TO IS ISWee ISWeeWee IJ Bum humC C C H Seth 0 0 A S Pills ft 0 Robert flobertStrobridge nobcnHunkr RobertHunterHunter 0 0 M R PlI 0 W If YcCord 0 lchrd itichardSimbnidge lchrdWbOStrobridge 2 Dr D Garrett Smith 0 Kehuylrr hllyler Mer Merrttt MerAlth 14crnitWbO WbOdY dYrttt 0 Tola 5 5Although 2AlthousbAlthough Alth lllllh City Itr yet yesterday t rday rda there was a good od field out outIn OitIn outinIn the monthly m 1nthi way Golf Club H M Halstead who beat beatMrs beatMrsMrs 1 Polnemus by by2 2 stroke had the best bestcard bee bestcardcard for the seventeen returned The scores acoreaH coreaHH M mislead l1li 12 12711 78 Mn T H Pnttrmtt Pnlbrmusn02 14 1471 78 F I 1M Blekmore 107 2S 2681 M A E Black Blackmir Blackmar puckmarmir mar 100 ltl It H Vlwroom 1m McCabe 104 1 17 1781 87 N K TperKr Tfe c 104 17 11117 W E 1 R RFlake nP1lIe UfltkeFlake lOG 2l7 r W 5 E Edmlner Icr ItS IS 1811 8ft Dun Dunbar Ounbr Dunbarbar Boss 1W 3 z8OS W C Merrthew t22 28 20OS 0 W Hi HiZelgler H H1elrlcr HZeirlerZelgler 112 2SIW D D Patter Pllfnll lo lOG 20 2080 2080e 30esmcls 80 80ww p rnnie e liT TIt 38M W 0 St Stnl1l SternIOnly ras 112 1114 1114Only UMOnlOnly Onl ten out of thirtytwo starters returned returnedcard returnedellrd returnedcardcard in the monthly handicap of the Dyker DykerMeadow DykerMcadow DykerMeadowMeadow iiolf olf It Club yesterday as they saw it itwas ItWILlI itwaswas boneless to ro arnlnst the fine card cardIII cardso89 41AO returned by Amos T Dwight The Thesummary Theummllrr Thesummerysummary summaryAA T turlfht M 10 1070 70 n B V Heceman rl rlI 100 100W1 hI Oh Jh Y =2O 2030 > W P Smith int 108 11 J2M W K Fowler S8 S8t9t OSIsUt9t I llmm intam Jarrlt 1 la lot U88 H r T 1 Walden Wld WaldenOS06 10 108 8V George F OFlyn W 8 sal 01 Crowen CrowenKaddln Crowcllliaddill CrowefiHaddtnKaddln 107 l 11101 0t F J Phillips 101 543 43 3 John JohnCC Powers lot 9 01 01PLulfnLD 003PLArWTTTLD M MPLancnrboPLancnrbo O 1 i 1Tlleae The e scores were wersported wereJOItli wereptte4ported for forthe the golf committee dip at the Bill BU1ilde BillIide Hillsideside Tennis and JoU Club today todayCC B Morgan 81 7 771 n D H Barrows Barro 85 4 4SI 4SIDr SI SIRr I IrDr r n Van an D Ho lIodees Di Rr t 1081 S D Loun Launberr > ery 00 8SJ J Whitney WhitneyBaker WbUneBairn WhitneyItekerBaker act 54 4pust pIns iCS 85 Willard Wadswerth 88 Alln o on 045n 1 11 Rowland lOO IS 168 J 1 A Tompkins 101 101Owton t01IIDO 101I1IIDO I1Owton CunW F Jorrttt 101 0101 C F FEarl FEar1 FEarlEarl 103 1 tI02 102 J M miter 101 1 1102 1102In IICin 102 102InIn the play pili off of the tie between Henry TTenr L LHall IJHall LHallHall end A E Barclay for the I Labor ibor Day Daycup ha1CUP tiaycupcup Barclay arcla won n with Ith a net score of M MiVNTEltS 11HUNTERS 55HU2VTEflSHUNTERS IN KEE KEEN CONTESTS CONTESTStcieance CONTEiTSVeollWlOfJ CONTESTSVesigesneeVeollWlOfJ tcieance Fakes TalC Ute Masters Mast r COp at atGoshen atGoahm atGosheaGoshen Hone Show ShowG08RBK 8howOOlnBN ShowGosnayG08RBK Oct 1 IThe The sscond day of the therange th thOranlre theOrangeOrange > range county horse anew brought together togethercrowd tOlretheraa crowd more than double that of f yesterday yesterdayhe yesterdayThe esterda esterdaTheThe he skies were ere clear but the wind rather ratherill a abit abitbit ill too fresh and the chill of October hung hungnIn n the air Nineteen classes were judged judgedhe Judlrfdthe judgedthathe he one evoking the most Interest being the thelass theclaaa theclaesfortheMisterSCUPlass claesfortheMisterSCUP for the Misters Cup given by John R Rownsend nTownllend itTownsendTownsend for the best hunter of any weight weighthere wellrhtThere weightThereThere here were 20 competitors and tho compett compettIon competitlontl tlon Ion n ws wa keen First prli prize went ent to Brandy BrandyGerrys Brand1wine Brandywinewine Stables grat v mare VenAfanoe Robert RobertLL Gerrys Oer br g Kingston was 1IAlllecond second The Theurtnthlan TheOorinthtan TheCorinthianCorinthian class ola open to all hunters rid riden ridden riddenden en by members of any recognized hunt huntrougnt huntbroueht huntbroughtbrought out forty Cort entries Sirs Court Courtnd CourtLand CourtlaudLand nd H Smiths bay gelding Garnet Ripple Rippleas RIpplewas Ripplewaswas as flirt beating both vengeance and andfollows andInton andKingstonKingston Inton Other Drst prize winners wen weneoa wereaseoa follows followsQualified tollowsQoaUfteeS foUowSQusliSedQualified hunter middle weight etrht Braadywlna Braadywlnatables frllldrw1Da51abtea BrsndywlneA51abtea tables r 1111 m Veareance VeareanceGreenIvuen VCII ce ceGreenGreenIvuen Green hUtUers mlddl wetfhv A E Hlfglaaons HlfglaaonsrSreeyear Hlnlnaooeb Hlggloaonaciteeb cite rDeac DesadS DesadSy5yyarold n nTbreeearoldrSreeyear Tbreeearold oldtrotUn troUe traIlers r PI I Van Dtrbeeks b bII bIIJOCtor k kTwoytaroid ktottersJOCtor 1Jero 1JeroTwoearoldTwoytaroid Twoearold totters Mrs W Mr H N Pains Alolna Alolnaibblna Alo1DaRo AbbeRebbinsRo Rebbins RebbinsCarriage ibblna ibblnaCarriageCarriage boriS lOss Wary Harrtmans Farmer FarmerTandnu FarmerDe PartnerlhoFndrDe lhoFndr f ndaml Tandnu W U V noffmana Br Breeze se and Cham ChamRoadsters CIIamrDe cTAmdtersrDe It ItRoadlteRoadsters dters H K Bslpsb Baln Bebna b mH m Zealous ZealousHead ZealOIilRoad ZealousHoedHead fours W U V Uoffmaaa entry entryPark ent entark entryParkPark ark horses lira Jules J Vatahlas Vat I FoUette and andate andW andIRd andboatersW ate hi 01 01QnaltordQnaltord IRd boaters heavy weight Robert Ro n L Lrrys L LOem I IHaritmansOem rrys dogiton dogitonLadles ICDrltonLai1leaLadles hunters 1I1111l UUs tf lamman arrlmans eh g SolutIon SolullonLadlu S SolutIonLadles llIlIon llIlIonLadleaLadles saddle borsca Aor hones Robert l L Gerry bIb J II m mZl mZle rnbcbtZl ZleZlectIrnplOlllldtlo ctIrnplOlllldtlo Ipa lliht weight Mrs A A t Diet Dieterteha Diettrle DIetittrle erteha ca gM I Buck BuckMiddle BuclrIddleMiddle Iddle weight Charles R Roof Jr ch m mHeavy mChar1ly inChadlyChar1lyHeavy Ife weight Robert L I Oem br e Ktngtton KtngttonFichtera lttDlttoDFlPen KlcgrtonPlibteflFichtera Busy IB Ont of Town amp RmnFlghtara ampFlehtra RingsFightersFighters wr were busy bu In many man ring out of oftown oftown oftowntown on Friday night The attendance at ateach ateacb ateacheach bout waa good and the goes as aall a a rule rulewere rulewen rujewerewere Inewstlng At Rockland Ma M Black BlackPltzalmmons BlackFltWmmoll BlackPitzslmulonaPltzalmmons of Hartford Conn met his bisWaterloo bl blwaterloo hiswaterlooWaterloo in the fourth round of a rather ex exdtin excttln axciliacilia battle Fltaa FlU opponent was w Charley CharleyQaugbsy Charleyaulbl CharleyUaughsyQaugbsy aulbl of Lowell Th hlItIOII men en were to hay ban bantouaht havefoughtfought fifteen rounds roun Haughey Haulh bad the thesdvunuee theadvlltue theadvantageadvantage In weight by at aleaet least wsnty wsntyup went wentpound wentypoundSpound Although defeated Fltzlmmon IPI IPIup spilt spiltupup a game before be wait finally doeR put to sleep witS a right rightwlngo rlllltswine rightswingswing swine OJ the Jaw JawPraoUoatly JawPraoUoaJIiPraoUoatly a knocko knockout ended the ten round roundbout roun rounboutbout between IaUT Beidwip dwl DC Boston and andYounlf u uYoungYoung TlerQe10C Tlerey of Ho Holbrook broo at the YoungMen ROeIaI nd At Athletic etlo Club BrorJtton BrorJttonM1I8II BrocktonMassMass RaI The le e mill was wa fairly even up to the theIxtb t thesixth e eBlxthsixth In n that round roun Tlerney Tlerne waa sent to the theloor tt tttloor thefloorfloor with a hard hudrllrM right on th the chin after Aterhat At afterthat r rthatthat Tlerney Tlprnwaa was weak we and an could oouI cot oto com comisck cornback me mebackback Tieroey was hanging hI na against 118 th thope the ther05 lbroperope ope In a helpless condition oondll on In tb tha ninth ninthin ninthwieqr05 II wieq eQ the referee I itQpped lpea h08tUlUea JuSd JuSde uddOldecIe OldecI e in favor of Baldwin BaldwinCbMter BaldlnCbll1ter B41dwiChesterChester Goodwin of Boston and andlonohue Tonl TonorDonobuelonohue of Bx Roxbury > xbtirr fought flfte flfteqund ftftlltltut ftftlltltutoundll fifteen fj fjpundaqund oundll at the Highland A C Marlboro Marlboroh iarlbororite srlboroTheThe h decision was a popular one Forten Fortennunds For or ten ttnroundltbo tenroundsrounds roundltbo the was w nothing to chooM ch Met Metthe bets betwenhe betsthethe he men But BuIipthe ut In th tbeT1Jt n neyt yt fourbpnijhuf four fourBonbp on I did dla dlamClt di dilutistmClt or the I Jes4ig 1111 wNIe h1I11 Ooodwln II timId dOn dOnInthe on onInInthe In the last youd rou a Donohue o elled 11 up fiercely fiercelyand etfl etflandand seemed to II have the bttttr 01 the round roundLLNOTES Q ii OF TUB TUBWUftt irUB 2ADE 2ADEWIl jr jrftWUftt ft A i VS OOIBB OOI8 U lng ea ia In ATtttowbbHc utellll utisiCbUe liie Tb ma stamp amp of oIPUbu jpubtie pbbfle approval ppr aI has balb he been en pa paroUtatably juimltlbl parnlaatebly >roUtatably pUcedupon plAcecl lpoa the bo Wbrthlflfton Meteor Utteorsldnatlon UeorJh1a1s MeteorThiaJh1a1s Thia bias u1 II should boU1d b wheflone ben ciaolaIItnlotOll ciaolaIItnlotOllalderitlol takes iniocon inioconsldczatioitsldnatlon what wb the thenazuqof be name n mootW of Worthlaglon l1btDllolmeana l1btDllolmeanaortlliJIrton means meansWorthlarton meansWorthingtonWorthington has bMJoiil long been bc na a power fliechaslcallj fliechaslcalljinin this country and U I best known knllnu ai thetnvcnloi thetnvcnloiof tile inventor Inenlorofof the Worthington pump pumpTbO The beat that lb lbworlds tile tileorla theworlds worlds orla most I advanced advan ed practice jlracU e has berelflfort berelflfortproduced haretdftnOproducedproduced baa been beensubjectedlo subjected lIbJletedto to the Ibeprocellee processes ol olelimination oC oCellmlnalloD ofelIminationelimination and 1114C91C8otratlo concentration 1 to t produce sun slnpllclly sunpiiciiy > a model rarare as U Uwelt Itweltwelt should be being under the watchful eye of ofJustin ofJustinJustin C Walker of lbs well known literary family familyofof that list name nameThe nameriteThe Hon Tom Tatgart and several of his as assistants 53alstants sistants were the guests of R B Jarrlte general generalmanager geeratmanagemanager of the American De Dietrich Motor Car CarCompany CarCompanyCompany last week when he went over the Vander Vanderbill andcr andcrbillbill cup race course with his large motor car Mr MrTagrart MrTagartTagrart has been so closely confined the last few fewweeks fewweeksweeks managing the Democratic rampalrn that he hefound hefoundfound this diversion very healthful andattmulstlng andattmulstlngIn and stImulating stImulatingInIn speaking of his hI ride he said I cannot Imagine Imagineanvthlng IrcaIneanuthltranvthlng more delightful or luxurious than antonio auiomoblllng antoniobItIngblllng In such a high class classiourlag touring car carDr carDrDr Harold E Tbotras of Chicago has recently recentlyfavored recentlyfavoredfavored the Locomobile company with a moil moilunusual niollunusualunusual order Dr Thomas has been drhlnr this thisseason titLeseasonseason seasonrasolene on of the 15 horsepOwer four cylinder cylindergasolenerasolene locomobiles and It bu given such sails sailsfaciton stls stlsfaction olnt with pride to a business career careerovering careerouerliigovering nearly a hair century Knowledge and andtttemlon andattentiontttemlon to the wants of the public have made madehis madethisthis his house proper from the beginning The stock stockif stockofof if carriages shown today Is uptodate and com comirises cornprisesprises irises every standard make and style oil quoted quoteditat it attractive price priceTbe pricesTheThe Mark Cross Company with latin Fifth avenue avenuemd avenueandmd Broadway stores have completely unset the thetotlon thenotionnotion of what A harness store may he There la laibout Isaboutabout everything a refined air a style that has hasong baalonglong ong been Identified with 1tb Cress harness and leather leatheroodsboth leathergoodlbothoodsboth here and abroad abroadBaseball abroadBaseballBaseball Notes NotesTie NotesTheTie Royal Giants will play the strong Elisabeth ElisabethortJf ElisabethportNJportNJ ortJf J team today In that city Th ma Giants Giantsnder Giantsunderunder Capt Smith ot th the Cuban XGlnnts nave haecreated navedefeatedcreated the Philadelphia Giants and aadhe andthethe he Murray Hills two extra strong teams410RHE9 ANDCAttRIAiiB9 ANDCAttRIAiiB9Estalllshed Ai40 CAflhtiAt3E CAflhtiAt3EEstitliebed+Estalllshed 18S 18SMAKERS 1531JMJM OLiIBY CO CO1IAKERSMAKERS OV OVNewoiK OPii Fine Fineaa Grriages GrriagesNewcrkNewoiK N J JFtihtonable JFashionableFashionable Broughams and Vic Victorias Vietora5 torias single and pair horse horseHigh horseHighHigh class Rockawaysand Station Stationwagons StationWagonawagonsStanhope wagons J JStanhcipeStanhope Phaetons Spider Plies Phaemany Pliestonstons Ladies Basket Phietons and andmanymany other popular Traps for city cityand cityandand suburban use useSecond I ISecondSecond hand Broughams Rock Rockways Rockswaysways and other desirable vehicles vehiclesVVIn iercct order at attricttve prices pricesVIVV nreroonn areroomiifld and factory 2739 2739Oivlalbo 2739DivisionDivision Street newark wark warkAdaccntAdaccnt to the Iackawanna Iackawannafltation LackawasnaStationStation fltationWanted Station44t3444P4 I+ + 44t3444P 44t3444Pa + +a Wanted1 kONTRACTORS kONTRACTORSTo CONTRACTORS CONTRACTORStlotlo To realize that the BEST BESTt 13 BST BSTIMP1ESTt SIMPLEST most economical economicalJJ and practical DUMP WACJON WACJONf F Fonf on the market is isI isJOSIAHI JOSIAH F Fe DAY DAYS DAYSt S Stt Patent Dump Wagon WagonSS Every style of business wagon wagont wagonalwayst always in stock stockQuality stockQualityQuality UnequalledPrice Right RightDays t tThehsndyDays llorsIoss Lawn Cart1 Cart1TbebandyhelPerfOrIeflInZUPthlanThehsndy TbebandyhelPerfOrIeflInZUPthlan helper for leanlnc up thflann thflannThe 5 5TheThe leave are r falling fnnTASCHENBACH 5 5qOwqOw Is the time to lay layASCHENBACHTASCHENBACH CO0 81 MURRAY ST STJ STsampleJ Where wimple wacon wsgonsflhsy > may be ern ernR sen44444e44444e 44444eItR n MACT CO CODwav CO13wabDwav at atCth 5 34th to toIthCth ave aveSays Hit St StSaysSays The Herald HeraldHMacy HeraldblacysHMacy haiuKW drDartin deruptiletit m Is our of the few fewplaces fewplacesplaces where the genuIne Burleleh bores blankets hlankettcancan be obtained in New York Tlieso blankets blanketsare blanketsareare waterproof as well a as very warm and they theyarr theyareare In hlh favor amon amour trurkmrn ann cli u wh whwork who whoworkwork horses n all sorts ot iou tough h weather Horj Horjthsn liars liarsthenthen one hundred bales balraeteor a year an raid at t Maej MLtC s sWe SWeWe handle oar harness lntrrr Intereits t broadly broadlrand F Fandand can unpnlv pplv errry r requisite nul t for the rider rldrrnil riderandand nil driver FOR LESS MOMEV TIIA > ANV ANVOTOEII AN ANOTIIEI1OTOEII STOItE STOItEFOn STOItHronron SALE PnOPKnTY PRIVATE FAMILY FAMILY001NO rAMltxGOINGGOING AWAY MtST SELI IllMKUIUiilA IllMKUIUiilASired IMlttt1sLVAS1AS1 iROtTING AND rttIur HORSE HORSESiredSired br Nutwood dam by Mumbrtno Fatchen FatchenlSi 1utchenIslSi Is hands ate six Ion lung tall prompt pltassnt pltassntioadscr pInWZitroadsterroadster Guaruntrrd Sound Oenllf for ladles ladtaiand ladlesandand trot In 225 Also AUoHANDSOMC AlsoItAND3OMCHANDSOMC HIGH CLASS COD COD1M1M IL hands ncc seven compactly bullti hIgh ac action SClion lion prompt driver trent endurance excellent excellentsaddler excellentsaddlersaddler guaranteed sound gentle for ladle Mils Milsfactory utIsfactoryfactory trial given Also Hndwme IAMILY IAMILYHltRRRV tAMILYz1tnlmyHltRRRV latest Style Stlc HINAflOOT iiNIIUUT two sets sttiIM setsHieganiHiegani lternraa All enutl tiec MOLtERIM WEST 4oriisr 40Th ST NEAR BROADWAY nitOAnwAAA HANDSOME attractive youn younl6li young oundrr oundrrliableliable family anl runabout cob also lcentuckr lcentuckrhiedhied sadrIleaAraeMs all the galls also jut trotter trotter2ltf2ltf l6li and nil chllrtnns Ptt pony elegant Brewster Brewsterbroucham Brewsterbroubsmbroucham victoria coupe nocktwny family familyturrry famIlysurreyturrry scat cat four Lenox trap foverarss cart cartStlvera CrtStlversStlvera runabout spedlny p cdlnz wagon r fon all rubber rubbertired rubbertIredtired ulnrl and double harn barns fs Imported rIding noiaesaddle rIdingsaddlesaddle jlrlgh robes blankets riding lublt liverIes llrertejmatting liverIesmattingmatting futures no c cssh h oilersrefuted oSers refured IMvate IMvateStable LrjsiteStableStable U Madison av near 27th 27thHARNESS 27thIABNUSSANDHARNESS IABNUSSAND ANt HORSE BLANKETS BLANKETSHurry bLANKETSBuggyHurry Hirnrss 6SO tnd nd 11 1100 no Surrey Harness1803 OuslccM Hamrw ison Tram harneSs 21JXC 21JXCHeavy 2l00MesvHeavy Mesv Double Truck Harnei1 WO1 LIned Stable StableDlanketA StableI1iankteDlanketA lou Square Blankets 125 Extra Hea T TLrathrrcd210 Leathered for Trucking 300 HcaxT Bins BinsTruck limeTruckTruck Blanket 32 325 PETERS HARNESS AND ANDSADDLElY ANDSADDLEIIYSADDLElY CO BS West Broadway near Chant Chambera Chanthershers it upstairs upstairsSPOBTSllANS upstairsSPORThIASSPOBTSllANS GOODS POODSBILLIARD GOODSBILLIAkDBILLIARD AMU POOL TABLES TABLESNewNew and secondhand ISO up on time or rental rentalBOWLING rentaLBOWLINOBOWLING ALLEYS ALLEV5WeWe make better betterbowllng bowllni bowllniBAR alieyt hut any one etsi4 In the business elk any expert bowler bowlerBARBAR UXTURES UXTURESInIn stock for Immediate drllvcrr lion 100 up upSlora upStoreStore Fixtures and Cabinet Work WorkIiMlrnn WorkIlestrusIiMlrnn and rstlmatra on application applicationnnt epilcatlonnnlMwICKnALKECoiLEsDEttnnt nnlMwICKnALKECoiLEsDEtt > SWICKDALKEC01Ii > DEIt CO COSaleroom CDSalesroomSaleroom M72 327229 lib ithAvecorner Ave comer l 19th th St StYeacer StYcagerYeacer Pa Pays > i 854OO for Leonldas LeonldasAtAt the sale of horses In trnlnlng g held before beforhe beforethethe he races at Uraveeend yesterday Joe Yeager Yeageritld Yengerpsidpsid itld the top price s 2400 for the twoyear twoyearId twoyearoldold Id Leontdas while white M L Haymnn got Dick Dicklernard DiclBernardBernard for ticoo 1 C00 both colts havlnc raced racedas racedforfor E E Sfliltthels all the season The sale salewaswas as as follows followslacle followsEarlelacle ch f by Balhampton liathamptonTroubs Trouba O B BWaltrrs IIWaltersWalters MOO MOOan 2100MartMart an Glenn b f by Teuton TeutonThistle Thistle W N NDubola NDubolsDubola 500 500orchcllo 100TorchtltOorchcllo b r by St Oatlen GattenTortosit Tortosa O B BWalters BWaltersWalters JMO JMOhrstnut 2500ChestnutChestnut hrstnut colt by Ben Strome StromeCapricIous StromeCapricIousiv Capricious CapriciousWW lllller wo wolabylon MOPabylonlabylon by Hastlnts llsttingaNlnevah Xlnevab W V Mlllrr 1060 1060fonrifht 1060Topniglitfonrifht b c by Topgallant TopgallantAunt Aunt Sally SallyLITIItL LIT I O Appleby KX KXylvanlte 500 500Sylvanlteylvanlte ch r by Trosptctor ProtpectorFeltclty Ffllclty E EPeters HPetersPeters Leonudas onldss br c by Hamburg HamburgBoise Boise J 7 O 0DIck1 Y ajper 510Q 510QrdDIck Bcrnard rd b e by Florist FloristVeronica Veronica M Man 14HaymanHayman an 4004 4004Oprra 4000GrandGrand Oprra bile a by Wagner WagnerDonate WagnerDonateliltc Bonnie BonnieJliltc J Gardner 800 800njr 500KingKing njr Cole blk c by Hamburg Hamburg01ack Block Venus VenusJJ Gardner 1100 1100inalohMle 1100CanalohatieinalohMle b 1 g by Itotomac IotomecCaledouia IotomecCaledouiaV Caledonia CaledoniaVV O Snyuer MO MOisclaeCascine isclae cb CM o by Col Wheeler WheelerEarly Early Rose RoneDD B Hrner iwo iwowreo 1200RecITeRecITe wreo br e by First Tenor TenorRecreatIon Recreation S SDavidson SDavIdsonDavidson DavIdsonWyiiIlchr 800 800yDHchsyDHchs by Locohatchee LocobatcheePuule Puttie I J JHealy 1 1hashHealy 1700bR 3Qiii 3QiiiForFor SO years I hare been treating and andcuring andcuringcuring the Diseases and Weaknesses ofMen I noes hoes dons and do nothIng the elteunderstandI understand these cases OH a child knows knowsltitil lt alphabet If you bad been making makingshoe makingshoesI shoe or sawing wood or doing any one onething onethingthing for the same length of time you youwould youwouldwould know your business or1 trade as Iknow mineExperience 1s the bee ft ftteachers ofteachersteachers There is no guesswork ex experimenting exeriment1ng perimenting or failure I know just wtfat wltSI S can C do do It and do It well wellIHAVE HAVECURED H AVEI Cure Where WhereOthers WhereOthersOthers Fail FailObstinate F I IObstinateCUREDObstinate and socalled Hopeless andIncurable cases are ray specialty and andII am proud of my suooe auooesa s I have a record recordofof over ten thousand cases of Lou Paver PaverVaricoctlt PawnaricoctlVaricoctlt aricoctl Slriclurt Hvdroctle Ornim nnd nndVftakntttu aJ aJWeaknessesVftakntttu In which ordinary physiciansE N have failed failedII Will Not Dose or Drug Your Stomach StomachIdonthsve StomachIdonthaveIdonthsve to MyremodlMgo SiyremedIeaapotanddotheirwork rlshttothe rlshttotheAnhonMtstralghtforwardoplnlonapotanddotheirwork qukkiyand lastingly Consullafton by mall or inperson Free FreeAnAnhonMtstralghtforwardoplnlon An b hued sed on 30 years experience It to be had for the th ask asking asktag tag If you neglect It the fault Is your and the los loss will be yours Ix LOMSATID > MBno CLTS CLTSICAL Ctttleanlean LKCTDncvmbodylng LxcvungsmbodyIng my1attdl discoveries DR HENRY H KANE 136 West34th West34thSL St N Y YWrite YWriteWrite far tar n new in pp Medical Book Sent by mat In plain corer i en tie 1 m EB EDr1r1 2ff7e9595c

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