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[PDF] Classification and Regression Trees | Semantic Scholar[^1^]

Bagging predictors is a method for generating multiple versions of a predictor and using these to get an aggregated predictor. The aggregation averages over the versions when predicting a numerical outcome and does a plurality vote when predicting a class. The multiple versions are formed by making bootstrap replicates of the learning set and using these as new learning sets. Tests on real and simulated data sets using classification and regression trees and subset selection in linear regression show that bagging can give substantial gains in accuracy. The vital element is the instability of the prediction method. If perturbing the learning set can cause significant changes in the predictor constructed, then bagging can improve accuracy.

Classification And Regression Trees Breiman Pdf

While survey and social science researchers have become well versed in traditional modeling approaches such as multiple regression or logistic regression, there are more contemporary nonparametric techniques that are more flexible in terms of model form and distributional assumptions. Classification and regression trees (CARTs) and random forests represent two of the methods that are being applied more commonly within the survey research context for creating nonresponse adjustments and for creating propensity scores to be used within the responsive/adaptive survey context. Both of these methods can be used for regression or classification related tasks and offer researchers and practitioners excellent alternatives to the more classical approaches. CARTs and random forests can be applied when typical statistical distributional assumptions are not likely satisfied and can incorporate interactions automatically. CART models can be estimated in the presence of missing data and random forest methods can adapt to the complexity of the dataset and can be estimated when the number of predictors is large relative to the sample size. This article provides an accessible description for both of these methods and illustrates their use by developing models that predict survey response from a collection of demographic variables known for both respondents and nonrespondents.

If you have ever used the popular chi-square automatic interaction detection (CHAID) (Kass 1980) method for predicting survey response or other market segmentation, you have been building tree-based models. Classification and regression trees (CARTs) (L. et al. 1984) represent another type of tree-based method for classification or prediction. Like CHAID, CART models can be applied to both categorical outcomes as well as continuous outcomes, but CART models extend the capabilities of CHAID models by allowing both categorical and continuous predictors.

The application of CARTs to various aspects of the survey process has grown steadily in the past decade. For example, McCarthy and Earp (2009) used classification trees to investigate factors related to survey reporting errors. Garber (2009) used classification trees to predict eligibility of units included in a master mailing list for a survey targeting farms. Burgette and Reiter (2010) use regression trees as part of a multiple imputation strategy for continuous health-related survey outcomes such as birth weight. Phipps and Toth (2012) applied regression trees to data from the Occupational Employment Statistics Survey to estimate response propensities for sampled establishments. They also used a second regression tree to examine the potential of nonresponse bias in reported wages.

Developed by Breiman (2001), random forests are ensemble-based methods that generate estimates by combining the results from a collection (i.e., the ensemble) of classification or regression trees. More specifically, if the outcome of interest is continuous, then a random forests model produces an estimate of the outcome by averaging the estimates derived from a series of regression trees. On the other hand, if the outcome is binary, a random forest generates an estimate defined as the level that is predicted most often among a collection of classification trees. By combining results across an ensemble of trees, random forests avoid the overfitting tendency of any single tree and generate predictions with lower variance compared to those obtained from a single tree (Breiman 2001; James et al. 2013). Each tree in the forest is grown using an independent bootstrap subsample that is the same size as the original dataset and selected with replacement from it. While not as commonly used for this purpose, response propensities can be estimated from random forests as the fraction of trees in the forest that predict a returned survey for a given address (see, for example, Buskirk and Kolenikov 2015). We note that the more common approach with binary outcomes is for the random forests to generate an estimated class for each sampled case (e.g., respondent or not).

The use of random forest models in survey research has not been as common compared to tree-based models, but their use has steadily been increasing within the past 5 years. For example, Caiola and Reiter (2010) illustrated how random forests could be used to generate partially synthetic categorical data using data from the 2000 U.S. Current Population Survey. Buskirk, West, and Burks (2013) investigated the use of random forests for estimating response propensities, which were then applied to sampled units on subsequent cross-sectional surveys at later time points to estimate the propensity to respond. Earp et al. (2014) investigated the use of a random forest-like ensemble of trees for evaluating nonresponse bias for establishment surveys. Buskirk and Kolenikov (2015) compared logistic regression and random forest models for nonresponse adjustments to sampling weights based on propensity scores.

Random forest is a commonly-used machine learning algorithm trademarked by Leo Breiman and Adele Cutler, which combines the output of multiple decision trees to reach a single result. Its ease of use and flexibility have fueled its adoption, as it handles both classification and regression problems.

Random forest algorithms have three main hyperparameters, which need to be set before training. These include node size, the number of trees, and the number of features sampled. From there, the random forest classifier can be used to solve for regression or classification problems. 2ff7e9595c

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